Tengan en cuenta los diferentes frentes a los cuales pueden atacar para solicitar funding. Hay deadlines acercándose...
15. Research Students. Apply for Spring Semester Travel Grants here! Deadline Jan 27 at 5pm. Email Ben Ediger at gapsa.research@gmail.com with questions.
16. Professional Students. Apply for individual and group travel grants (available on a rolling basis)! email Matt Colo at gapsa.prof@gmail.com with questions.
17. Student Group Funding for spring semester! Deadline Feb 1. Email James Wiley at gapsa.finance@gmail.com with questions.
18. President Gutmann Leadership Award applications open here! Are you presenting at a conference (domestic or internatl)? Get reimbursed 50% of eligible travel expenses up to $2,000. Apply by Jan 27 for Jan-April travel, and April 20 for May-Aug travel.
19. Apply for GAPSA-Provost Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Innovation! Deadline March 30.
20. Penn Commuter and Parking Survey: for one of two chances to win a free month of parking or $50 gift certificate to the Penn Bookstore and with Urban earphones from the Penn Computer Connection.
21. Academic Event Funding through the Research Student Council: Students coordinating an academic event can receive supplemental funding from the Research Student Council. Applicants, in person, are required to describe their target student audience, justify the academic nature of their event and demonstrate their general need of funding. Info here!
22. General Assembly Discretionary Fund: While we encourage applicants to pursue the above funding sources (#15-21 in THIS email list!) as a first alternative, we are excited to offer supplemental funding with the caveat that applicants will be asked to make a brief presentation in front of the GAPSA General Assembly to be considered. Application Deadline: Feb 1.